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Lovely High Spa and Treatments Mask

Lovely High Spa and Treatments Mask

Every day, we have to face pollutions including sunshine, dust, and smoke. So cleaning and taking care of skin is needed. As getting older, skin is getting weak and more lax and also has acne , blemishes, melasma and freckles. Therefore, you need to take care of your face for brighter skin and also to do treatment called Lovely Facial and Lovely High Spa by Lovely Beauty Team. 

At Lovely Eye and Skin Clinic, we has created treatment mask suitable for different skin problems such as Vit C mask, Albutin mask, Cavier mask and Hya mask to brighten face and give younger look. Another treatment which is highly recommended is Lovely Eye High Spa with natural extract including massage. This treatment helps nerve, muscle, circulatory system and lymph glands. Massage by electric instrument provides relaxing and comfortable feeling. After the treatment, your skin is brighter and fresher immediately.