fbpx Hair removal laser | ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา ถุงใต้ตา โดยหมอรวงข้าว และทีมจักษุศัลยแพทย์ ออกแบบดวงตา วิเคราะห์ปัญหาตรงจุด

Hair removal laser

Hair removal laser

No need to worry hair anymore because now we have Hair Removal Laser at Lovely Eye and Skin Clinic. This is the new technology by Lovely Beauty Expert Team which makes you forget the old and painful means for removing hair. Also,your skin is destroyed , blemishes and not smooth. 

Hair Removal Laser at Lovely Eye and Skin Clinic 

Lovely Beauty Expert deliverers power to skin layer at the target area. The laser is created to destroy hair on the specific spot and no side effects. Due to different hair and area, Lovely Beauty Expert has considered which laser is suitable for those different hair. The result depends on patients ' hair including root and size. The new-born hair is the best response to treatment. However, hair removal laser can retard hair's growth which is needed treatment continuously about 4-6 times.